Fisher Field Soccer Park
Envision-Tatham was retained by the Town of Collingwood to design and provide construction review and contract administration services for a regional soccer facility at Fisher Field. The park accommodates three adult soccer pitches (63m x100m) with sub-drainage, irrigation and lighting, along with supporting water, storm water and electrical infrastructure. Additionally, the park accommodates parking, public trails, seating, naturalization plantings and an infiltration wetland to treat storm water for irrigation supply. Although the remaining areas in the park are currently serving as informal junior and mini soccer pitches, the site plan and constructed electrical and storm water infrastructure has considered the future addition of two additional adult soccer pitches to meet growing demands. The soccer pitches at Fisher Field are high quality facilities and are based on premium standards for soccer field construction adopted by municipalities across Ontario. These standards minimize the compaction and drainage issues typical of conventional soccer pitches, resulting in their long term viability and healthier turf growth. Construction for this $1.4M soccer facility was completed in 2007.
Services Provided
Consensus building & approvals
Concept design
Graphic visualization
Construction drawings
Construction review